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La fin de la balle magique
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Ecrit le: Nov 17 2004, 06:48 AM


Groupe: Admin
Messages: 2014
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Inscrit le: 3-July 03

Si pour l'instant il est impossible d'en dire plus, je viens d'avoir le privil�ge d'assister � une d�monstration in�dite et sans �quivoque sur l'origine du coup de feu ayant tu� John F. Kennedy. Et autant dire que le tireur du TSBD n'y est pas pour grand chose.
J'y reviens avec d�tails et normalement photgraphies des que possible
Nicolas Bernard
Ecrit le: Nov 17 2004, 10:42 AM

Maitre Jedi

Groupe: Members
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Inscrit le: 17-July 03

S'agit-il de la balle qui le frappe vers l'image 222, ou celle(s) qui le touche(raient) entre les images 312 et 313 du film Zapruder ?

Jin-Tae (Nicolas Bernard en Cor�en), Fr�re de Sang de Jin-Suk (Kaisou en Cor�en)

Ecrit le: Nov 17 2004, 02:04 PM

Ami de la famille

Groupe: Members
Messages: 501
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Inscrit le: 17-August 04

Int�ressant, j'attends �a avec impatience en tout cas, en priant William pour que ce soit rapide!!!
Car l� pour du teaser, c'est du teaser qui nous met l'eau � la bouche!!

"Dans la vie, il y a ceux qui ont un revolver charg� et ceux qui creusent. Alors, creuse!" Clint Eastwood
Ecrit le: Nov 17 2004, 03:50 PM


QUOTE (William @ Nov 17 2004, 12:48 AM)
Si pour l'instant il est impossible d'en dire plus, je viens d'avoir le privil�ge d'assister � une d�monstration in�dite et sans �quivoque sur l'origine du coup de feu ayant tu� John F. Kennedy. Et autant dire que le tireur du TSBD n'y est pas pour grand chose.
J'y reviens avec d�tails et normalement photgraphies des que possible

The "Ultimate Proof"... j'ai bien h�te de voir �a....

Ecrit le: Nov 17 2004, 04:29 PM


Groupe: Admin
Messages: 2014
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Inscrit le: 3-July 03

The "Ultimate Proof"... j'ai bien h�te de voir �a...

Ce n'est la preuve ultime, du moins tel que je l'entends, qui serait, par exemple, le film de Babuska Lady. Il s'agit d'un travail scientifique et photographique in�dit et implacable sur du mat�riel d�j� connu.
Ecrit le: Nov 17 2004, 05:21 PM


Groupe: Admin
Messages: 2014
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Inscrit le: 3-July 03

Et pendant ce temps l� :

There are many conspiracy theories about who assassinated President John F. Kennedy. So many, in fact, the suspect assassinators would have to be standing shoulder to shoulder on the grassy knoll or perched on each other�s shoulders in the Texas School Book Depository. According to a 2001 Gallup poll, 81 percent of Americans believe the assassination was a conspiracy, while only 13 percent subscribe to the Warren Commission�s �lone nut� theory.

�It�s preposterous on the face of it to believe that a mousy little guy with a $12.95 rifle could bring down the leader of the free world,� says Kenneth Rahn, a professor emeritus at the University of Rhode Island. �Yet,� says Rahn, �that�s exactly what Lee Harvey Oswald did 41 years ago this November 22.�

Relying on science, in particular neutron activation analyses and ballistic evidence, instead of speculation, Rahn, a retired oceanographer and atmospheric chemist, and Larry Sturdivan, a retired wound ballistics specialist at the Army�s Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, argue that the president and Texas Governor John Connally were hit by two and only two bullets, both fired from Lee Harvey Oswald�s rifle. They base their results on a review of ballistic and chemical analysis of the recovered bullet fragments. Furthermore, they prove statistically that the odds of additional successful gunmen are 2 to 3 percent at best and one in a million at worst. Results of their research were published in this month�s issue of the Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry.

According to the Warren Report, three shots were fired on that fateful day in November. Since Oswald�s bolt-action rifle required 2.3 seconds per shot and the shots were fired within 4.8 seconds, conspiracy theorists, assuming that Kennedy was hit by the first shot, claim that it would have been difficult, if not impossible, for Oswald to act alone.

Rahn and Sturdivan show that a three-hit scenario is ruled out by the neutron activation data. They further argue that Oswald�s first shot most likely missed the president�s car completely. This provides at least 4.8 seconds between the two shots that hit, making it an easy feat.

Oswald�s second shot hit the president in the neck/upper back area, exited through the throat, and continued through Connally�s body, exiting out of the governor�s thigh. The third and fatal shot hit the president in the back of the head. �The sequence is the bullet entered, exited, and its energy created an explosion in the president�s head, creating massive damage. Fragments from the bullet cracked the windshield,� says Rahn, a founding member of Nonconspiracists United, a newly formed group with its own e-mail discussion list. He has recently established a website, http://kenrahn.com/noncons .

Five bullet fragments, two large ones, and three small ones were recovered from the limousine, Connally�s stretcher in Parkland Hospital and from the men�s bodies. The fragments were examined twice by neutron activation analyses, first by the FBI in 1964 and then by Vincent Guinn, a professor of chemistry at the University of California at Irvine in 1977.

The first large bullet fragment, found on the stretcher, had a deformed, but complete shell with jacket markings on the jacket. It was a perfect match to Oswald�s rifle. The second large fragment, which had bounced onto the front seat contained lead, and some jacketing with some markings and brain tissue. It, too, was a perfect match to Oswald�s rifle.

The three smaller fragments had no jackets and so couldn�t be matched ballistically, but they could be matched chemically since this particular ammunition had unusual chemical properties. The ammunition manufacturer had combined scrap lead containing antimony, a hardening additive with virgin lead, but had not mixed the vats completely.

Both the FBI and Guinn appeared to group the fragments into a body shot and head shot. However, the FBI set contained a systematic error and Guinn�s results had potential problems. The core of the fragments was heterogeneous so that critics charge that different results could be obtained. Guinn overcame the FBI�s systematic error, and Rahn and Sturdivan overcame the heterogeneity problem by showing that it was a non-issue. The heterogeneity actually proved to be critical to grouping the fragments into the remains of the two and only two bullets.

The benefits of nuclear activation analyses extend beyond limiting the hits to two bullets, by providing the only way to prove that Oswald�s rifle was fired that day, and thereby quash the rumors that it had been planted to frame Oswald. They also render the details of the headshot and back wound irrelevant. They lead to the best-documented shooting scenario to date, namely an early miss, a single bullet through both men�s bodies, and the killing hit to JFK�s head five seconds later. Most importantly, nuclear activation analyses ties much of the physical evidence together and brings Oswald much closer to the crime by proving that his rifle did it all.

So the mob, Castro, the CIA, the Russians, Vice President Lyndon Johnson or the countless other supposed conspirators aren�t the bad guys. Although society seems to need to feel that only great plots can take down great men, the two scientists argue that Oswald, alone, took his shot at history. A shot that forever changed the course of our nation and gave birth to America�s skepticism.

Ecrit le: Nov 17 2004, 05:44 PM

Ami de la famille

Groupe: Members
Messages: 501
Membre n�: 271
Inscrit le: 17-August 04

Tiens il me semble l'avoir d�j� lu quelque part cet article.
Mais en fait du coup j'ai du mal � saisir ce que tu veux nous montrer en mettant cet article William:
- au d�but du fil tu nous parle d'une nouvelle exp�rience qui prouvera que le tir fatal ne vient pas du TSBD
- maintenant tu nous mets un article qui tend � d�montrer que tous les tirs venaient bien de l'arme d'Oswald. Et � priori elle n'a pas pu voyager du 5�me �tage du TSBD vers la palissade pendant les tirs????

Du coup je comprends pas en fait pourquoi, toi, tu nous mets cet article???

"Dans la vie, il y a ceux qui ont un revolver charg� et ceux qui creusent. Alors, creuse!" Clint Eastwood
Ecrit le: Nov 17 2004, 07:48 PM


Groupe: Admin
Messages: 2014
Membre n�: 1
Inscrit le: 3-July 03

Pour pas grand chose, juste montrer ce qui � la veille de l'anniversaire fait l'actualit� JFK. Et l'article n'est effectivement pas neuf puisque je l'ai d�ja post� il y a quelques semaines mais il fait � nouveau le tour des r�dactions. Alors que dans un m�me temps tout le monde ignore celui du Santa Barbara News.
Fran�ois Carlier
Ecrit le: Nov 17 2004, 07:52 PM

Sur le chemin de la sagesse

Groupe: Members
Messages: 66
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Inscrit le: 6-March 04


Monsieur Reymond, j'ai une question.

Le titre du fil est : "la fin de la balle magique".

Or, dans votre premi�re intervention, vous parlez du "coup de feu ayant tu� John F. Kennedy".

Or, ce n'est pas la m�me chose. La balle unique, ou balle magique, n'est pas celle qui a tu� Kennedy, on est tous d'accord l�-dessus.

Alors, de quelle balle parlez-vous ?

[Fran�ois Carlier]
Esprit critique
"If a man deceive me once, shame on him. If twice, shame on me !"
Ecrit le: Nov 17 2004, 07:58 PM


Groupe: Admin
Messages: 2014
Membre n�: 1
Inscrit le: 3-July 03

Des deux en fait. Mon titre n'est pas bien choisi, je le reconnais bien volontiers.
Et puisque nous sommes � repondre � des questions personnelles, il y en a une pour vous ici
Ecrit le: Nov 18 2004, 01:49 AM

Posteur heureux

Groupe: Members
Messages: 128
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Inscrit le: 15-February 04

Oh la la, quel scoop! "Inedite" et "sans equivoque"? J'ai bien hate de voir ca.

Ecrit le: Nov 18 2004, 05:57 AM


William fait probablement r�f�rence � ceci


A Brooks Institute of Photography instructor has tried to put to rest
one of the most-asked questions of the past 40 years: Who shot JFK?
...At an opening-night reception Friday at Brooks' Montecito Gallery,
Newell Clark will use high-speed digital video technology to argue
that someone on the fabled grassy knoll and not Oswald, who
authorities determined was staked out in the Texas School Book
Depository, took the life of the nation's 35th president....

...Mr. Clark said his research showed that the fatal shot came from in
front of the president. To test his theory, Mr. Clark took some
cantaloupes wrapped in duct tape to the Winchester Canyon Gun Club on
West Camino Cielo and started shooting. An $80,000 camera from Vision
Research Co. in New Jersey allowed him to capture the action at
150,000 frames per second -- a feat unheard of when Abraham Zapruder
used an 8mm camera to make a home movie of the assassination, the only
known footage of the president before, during and after the shooting.

After comparing the images of flying melon fragments to eyewitness
accounts of the assassination, Mr. Clark came to the conclusion that
the government failed in the Kennedy investigation.

"There's no way he could have gotten shot from behind," he said...

Ecrit le: Nov 18 2004, 06:14 AM


Groupe: Admin
Messages: 2014
Membre n�: 1
Inscrit le: 3-July 03

Bravo, je commen�ais � me demander si quelqu'un allait rebondir sur mon "discret" indice plac� quelques messages plus t�t. Maintenant pour �tre pr�cis, je ne parle pas vraiment de cela. Ou du moins que de cela. Newell a pr�sent� une petite partie de son travail vendredi. L'int�gralit� est impressionante et je travaille en ce moment � ce que les membres de ce forum le d�couvre avant tout le monde.
Ecrit le: Nov 18 2004, 06:25 AM


Groupe: Admin
Messages: 2014
Membre n�: 1
Inscrit le: 3-July 03

Un petit dernier truc avant d'enfin �teindre mon Mac :

Image attachée

Image attachée

Ecrit le: Nov 18 2004, 10:33 AM

Ami de la famille

Groupe: Members
Messages: 501
Membre n�: 271
Inscrit le: 17-August 04

J'esp�re que l'int�gralit� est beaucoup plus concluante. Parceque bon, l� il nous dit qu'une exp�rience sur des melons montre bien que le tir devait venir devant.

Mais certain diront:
"mais alors les r�sultats de l'autopsie ont �t� truqu�? est-ce pour sauvegarder la raison d'Etat ou est-ce que tous les membres pr�sents � l'autopsie �taient des membres du complot? et d'o� viennent alors les radios et les photos de l'autopsie? ils ont tu� un sosie de Kennedy en lui tirant une balle de l'arri�re dans la t�te pour arriver � des radios prouvant le tir de derri�re?
Et que penser alors des exp�riences du Dr. John Lattimer? effectu�es sur de cranes humains? et les exp�riences de Richard Trott sur d'autres melons? et les exp�riences visionn�es et confirm�es par le HSCA sur des ch�vres?
Que devons nous croire?"

Du coup j'attends la suite pour me faire une id�e. Quoique je me demande si �a va pas �tre encore hors de port�e de ma compr�hension avec de belles pr�sentations scientifiques avec de calculs sur les r�actions, la r�activit�, de belles formules super th�oriques... comme celles servant � d�montrer, ou infirmer la th�orie du Jet Effect wink.gif

"Dans la vie, il y a ceux qui ont un revolver charg� et ceux qui creusent. Alors, creuse!" Clint Eastwood
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